Wednesday, April 18, 2012

One Month Full Figure Intensive 2012 - Student Work

This was a great workshop and was the first one month intensive I've taught.We were life drawing and painting five hours per day five days per week for one month. It really was rewarding to work with everyone in attempting to understand the figure using Gestalt thinking. It was very cerebral.
The first week  primarily focused on multiple drawings adhering to principles of block-in, gesture, inner curve and action. The week began with quick block-in drawings of 10- 20 minutes progressing through the week onto longer poses.

In the second week I introduced Poster Studies and students worked on  3 - 6 hour poster & rounding studies in oil concentrating on planes, light, colour and tone. 
By the third week students were warmed up and ready to start two long pose paintings. They started with preliminary drawings and colour posters before embarking on the final painting. 

Thanks to those that attended and also to two very patient models Ludovick and Leila.


Student Work

Nick Blazey
Duncan Long

Poster Oil Studies

Duncan Long

Duncan Long
Chris Lokes

Duncan Long