Four Week Life Drawing & Painting Intensive, Mondays thru Friday starting January 7- Friday February 1 2013
Weekend Portrait Drawing Workshop, Saturday & Sunday, February 16, 17, 23 & 24 2013
Location: Epsom, Auckland
For more info contact zarahn@gmail.com
This one month intensive will focus primarily on principles in Classical Realist Atelier practice. The duration of the course will be an intensive investigation of these working practices and methodology as applied to the Human Figure
Week One & Two - Drawing dynamics and the relationship of colour
The first week will primarily focus on multiple drawings adhering to principles of Block-in, gesture, inner curve and action. The week will begin with quick block-in drawings of 10- 20 minutes progressing through the week onto longer poses. Principles will be discussed and clearly outlined in demonstration and one to one feedback. Concentrating on envelope drawing students are encouraged to analyze shape, tilts, planes, action, light and dark zones. This approach will give further understanding of structure in the human form and the interplay of light.
Block-in & structure Drawing Demonstrations 2012
Poster and Rounding studies

Posters are designed to aid in understanding the hue, value and chromatic intensity of your subject. A good poster should have the least amount of detail and should give the illusion of the subject as if viewed from a good distance. Rounding studies help to recognize the fall of light across the model by recognizing the underlying egg-like structure of the human form. How does the light curve in space? How round or flat is the subject? With such questions and more answered through carefull and concentrated observation the rounding study will give an illusion of three dimensional space. Students will work on quick 3 - 6 hour poster & rounding studies in oil concentrating on planes, light, colour and tone.
Week 2, 3 & 4 - colour wash & Form painting
Three hour alla prima oil painting - nude study |
Introduction to mediums and traditional oil painting methods. Two poses will be set for two - three weeks - one morning pose and one afternoon. Starting with a poster - to aid in composition and colour - students will then begin by blocking-in with charcoal on white or toned canvas. Demonstrations will consist of palette organisation, charcoal use on canvas, ink-in, colour wash and form painting on a toned or white ground.